Practicing Korean is sometimes difficult since there are not a lot of materials for real beginners. I named the story 이씨 가족의 아침 and it is the story of a humble Korean family. This story was written by myself and then corrected by my Korean roommate. I hope you like it.

쓰기: 이씨 가족의 아침

한국에 아침이 밝아왔다. 오전 여섯 시에 이철수는 부인과 같이 일어났다. 샤워하러 욕실에 갔다. 그리고 부인은 아침 밥을 만들러 부엌에 갔다. 오늘은 남편의 생일이라서 미역국을 만들었다. 샤워한 후에 철수는 부인을 보러 작은 부엌에 갔다. 부엌에 들어가면 좋은 미역국 냄새가 철수를 맞이했다.

철수는 “여보, 무슨 좋은 냄새야?” 하고 웃음며 말했다. 그녀는 행복하게 웃으며 생일이라서 미역국을 만든다고 남편에게 말했다. 부인의 미역국이 맛있어서 철수는 행복해 했다. 그래서 많은 미역국을 먹었다. 다 먹은 후에 일하러 회사에 갔다.

남편이 집에 떠나는 후에 그의 부인은 청소를 시작했다. 처음에  집에 있는 모든 방에서 청소기를 돌렸다. 빨래도 했다. 그리고 나서 부엌에서 청소하고 설거지했다. 그의 부인은 정말 바쁘지만 피곤을 하지 않았다. 집이 완전히 깨끗해지면 정원에 갔다.

가족의 정원은 진짜 아름다웠다. 앵두나무가 한 그루 있고 예쁜 꽃이 그 나무 주위에 있었다. 봄이 왔는지 앵두나무는 분홍색으로 물들었다. 책을 읽으려고 나무 밑에 앉았다. 그곳에서 책을 읽으며 남편를 기다렸다.

 Naver Translates

Enjoy this translation by NAVER:

Morning came here in Korea. Icheolsu is happening with his wife at six a.m. To go to the bathroom to take a shower. And the wife went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Today is your husband’s birthday and therefoere make seaweed soup. Take a shower after withdrawal is little in the kitchen to see his wife. Welcomed the withdrawal of seaweed soup smells good when you walk into the kitchen.

The evacuation is “What smells good, honey?” and useummyeo said. She said happy birthday, with a smile to my husband make seaweed soup. The withdrawal of the delicious seaweed soup his wife is happy. So a lot of seaweed soup. After eating go to work to work.

Husband left home after his wife had to start cleaning. First turned in every room in my house cleaner. Wash your clothes. Then in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes. His wife is really busy, but not very tired. House garden as this is completely clean.

The garden is really beautiful family. A cherry tree stump and beautiful flowers around the tree. Spring they had come in pink cherry trees stand. Sitting under trees, to read the book. Read books there waited and nampyeolleul.


About Author

Nick is a someone who enjoys exploring new and different things. 2 years ago when he met his Korean friends he decided to go for it and learn Korean. Now he is struggling with the language while sharing an apartment with his Korean roomie.

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