On Korea

Learning through Korean Recipes

Learning a language should not be only about grammar, words and writing exercises. It can also be about delicious recipes, learn it through recipes.

Learning Korean

The Time Basics in Korean

We begin our series on time expressions with a slow start as I simply review the basic ways to express time such as hours and days.



A Gochujang at First Sight

I am a difficult person when it comes to eating. I do not enjoy eating a lot of things, but sometimes I taste something and I immediately wonder where that thing has been my entire life. One of those moments was when I first tasted gochujang (고추장), Korean red chili paste.

Learning Korean
Korean Writing Exam Today

Many months ago I started attending a small Korean class at the Korean Cultural Center in Brussels. Now that journey is nearing its end and like often with classes it can only end one way: exams! Exams are upon me and today I have my first Korean writing exam; followed next week by a Korean listening exam.

Hanhan Jabji’s Kimchi Jjigae

When you are interested in a country, you are also interested in its food. Same goes for me and I have been exploring the wonderful world of Korean food. A lot of the foods I discovered were simply delicious, but nothing sparked my love as much as Kimchi Jjigae.

Web Comic – 로동심문

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to live as a North Korean defector in South-Korea? I think many of you have. Now a new web comic called 로동심몬 (a play on the North’s newspaper 로동신몬) gives you a glimpse into this unique situation in a humorous, yet compelling way.

Eating Habits – 식사 버릇

Today I wrote a very short text in Korean about a part of my unhealthy eating habits that I really ought to change. This writing exercises explains that I do not like to eat a lot of vegetables and absolutely hate uncooked vegetables. Further I mention that I do not like a lot of fruits and do not often eat them; even the vegetables that I like.

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