Learning through Korean Recipes
Learning a language should not be only about grammar, words and writing exercises. It can also be about delicious recipes, learn it through recipes.
The Time Basics in Korean
We begin our series on time expressions with a slow start as I simply review the basic ways to express time such as hours and days.
Korean can be difficult and sometimes you just want to get in contact with others learning Korean, that is why I created the Hanhan Jabji Forums.
Yesterday my roommate and I visited the botanical garden in Meise. It was beautiful, but also the start of problems hindering learning Korean.
오늘은 내마음대로 벨기에가 좋은 10가지 이유를 소개합니다. 지극히 주관적이고 전혀 진정성은 없지만 그래도 재미로 봐주세요, 뭐 디스 내용도 없잖아 있지만. 그래도 늦은 벨기에 건국 기념일 포스트랍니다.
Time for a shout out for someone whose work I absolutely admire: Happy Hangeul Karina Lim. Her work is incredible and inspiring.
After lists and choices comes contrasting. I am going to discuss a few ways to make contrasts in Korean; two of which are verb endings: -지만 and -(으)ㄴ/는데.